Tuesday, May 29, 2012

TruthInYourEyes on Xanga

Before I get to the posts, I just thought I would say that these are some really emo shit. Blergh! And rather than doing a lot of separate posts, I'm going to do one REALLY long one. Massive. So, here goes. Also, these are unedited and presented as they were originally posted, so there are spelling errors and etc. in them.

  • Thursday, October 03, 2002
    Well, this is my first entry. I have so much to just say...pleh. I think I will start with a little poem.
    In my Mind's Eye/We Dance to the Song of my Heart/Spinning and twirling in Time to the Music of the Soul/Holding each other in a Lover's Embrace
    Heh...yeah...That one is just a dream. Most of my new poetry is based on dreams or daydreams or hallucinations.
    Let's see, you probably want to know about me, huh? Well, my name Sammy Edward Cason, Jr., born on the 11th day of March in the year 1983. I'm a Pisces (moon and sun) and a Boar. I'm approximately 5 foot 4 inches tall, have plain brown hair, and green hazelish eyes, as Haley called them. I was born in Columbia, MO, was forcefully moved at age seven to Sallisaw, OK, and despite little half-year excursions here and there, am still living there. I have one full sister, one full brother, one known half-sister, and four unknown half-siblings, all by my dad. I graduated high school and spent a semester in college before dropping out. I design t-shirts for a living. I play the bass guitar, drums, and keyboard/piano. I paint, write poetry and prose, and put together collages. I love to play games. Board, video, computer, RPG, CCG, card, dice. Music is my life. Absolute. It's like my religion. I can't do anything straight without music. Speaking of religion, they call me godless, and that I am, for I choose not to believe or disbelieve. My best friend is Haley, for she knows how to make me happy. Brit isn't too bad either, and I am sure you will read many entries about my attempts to be her friend. I have two dogs, a black lab named Buddy, and a dalmation named Vic. I have a cat too, named Tucker, but I call him Tuxedo. My favourite band: TooL, favourite song: All Apologies by Nirvana, favourite movie: Stand By Me, favourite colour: dark pine green, favourite book: The Hobbit. There will be more one day, when I'm not tired.
  • Saturday, October 05, 2002
    Well, I have broke my pact already. But fear not! I was so sick yesterday that I couldn't even sit up. I even puked. So I have a valid excuse to not make an entry. Why didn't I get on after I was finished being sick you ask? Because I was still sleeping off the headache and fever, until 630 in the morning. At least I am apologising to you now, Dear Reader.
    Poetry Time! I just come up with this stuff off the top of my head at the moment of writing me 'journal' entry, so please excuse it if it is crappy crappiness.
    Bicker, Bitch, Moan and Cry/I hurt myself and I don't know why/Bleed on the floor, bleed on the bed/If you hadn't have saved me I would be dead/Confusion and tears, wide-eyed stares/After all this time someone cares/Now you are my angel with the wings of a dove/And to you I now declare my undying love
    Ehh...I'm good at writing crap. If you care to dispute this claim because you think I write good, my email address is KorruptedHarmony@occultmail.com and you can instant message me at either harmonykorruptedon AIM or korruptedharmony on Yahoo!.
    A good friend of mine used to make lists on her livejournal (those bastards now charge, but I have Xanga, and I am ten-times happier) and, since I loved the movie High Fidelity, I will start making lists on this site. Yep, I am a freak.
    TOP FIVE REASONS TO BE ALIVE TODAY                  5)I'm no longer sick.                                              4)Did enough work (designed enough t-shirts and liscense plates) that mom/boss bought me a webcam as a bonus.                                                          3)Getting to show off said webcam.                         2)Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny on the PlayStation 2 *drool*                                                               1)Getting to talk to Haley and/or Brit later.
    Favourite time period: Feudal Japan. Favourite line of games based on a historic book: Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Favourite game at the moment: Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny.
    Well, my day was full of designing t-shirts and liscense plates for people, so it was quite boring, except that at the shop I have a TV and a PlayStation 2 and I spend most of my time playing games or watching DVD's. Ummm...Haley is on now, so I will close by saying what I always say when closing.
    Sweet dreams.                ~~Samm
  • Monday, October 07, 2002
    Yes yes. I know. I missed yesterday...again. But I had good reason. I was talking to Haley. Ok, some of you might not think that is a good reason, but I sure as hell do. Grumble all you like, onto the poem.
    Fear above me, in me, on me./Fear around me, through me, holding me./We have nothing to fear but fear itself./But when fear is all we have, fear it we must.
    That makes no sense and has no basis in reality whatsoever, but it is what came to my mind so I typed it.
    Let's see, what happened yesterday? Well, it was so boring and meaningless, except for the time I spent with Haley online, that I have forgotten completely about it. So onto today.
    What did I do today? Well, it was so boring and meaningless, except for this time I am spending with Haley online, that I have forgotten all about it. Except for the part where I sat down and got to the last boss on Onimusha 2. Yeah. So, I will just...umm...make a few top 5 lists and write a poem or two maybe. Yeah. Stupid hiccups. My head hurts now.
    <B><I><U>TOP FIVE REASONS TO MAKE TOP FIVE LISTS</B></I></U>   5)They are funny. 4)They are fun. 3)They pass the time when I am bored. 2)They make some people feel good about themselves, especially if they are on the list. 1)They pass the time when I am bored.
    Delicate she dances/On the waves and in the clouds/Lithe and fair/Angelhair and porcelain/Beautiful, she dances/Wonderful, she dances
    To love you/To hold you/My greatest thrill/To have you/To be yours
    Some of this stuff doesn't make sense, but then again, the inside of my brain is like...umm...a cluttered desk. Or something like that.
    Behold my love/Realise my pain/Inside the hurt/Through the shame
    Wow, I am a bloody treasure trove of...something. heh...
    Yes I am jealous/He steals your attention/Your affection/I am not him/I am not perfect/But I love you all the same/Yes, I know you love me/But I still feel left out/When you find someone new/Someone better/Someone that isn't me
    Hidden faces/Hidden loves/Secret wishes/Secret whispers/Shall I tell you/Shall I say/You are my friend/You are my fantasy/I love you more than I do say/I love you more than words could say/Dreams of what cannot be/Dreams of what should not be/Haunt my dreams/Haunt my thoughts/I want to be with you/I want to do more than just hold you/I want to love you/I want you to love me <u>(Do not worry Haley, this isn't about you dear. Don't freak out, it just came to me.)</u>
    Well, that last one drained me. Until next time Faithful Reader, sweet dreams, and my your life be as happy as I pretend mine is.    ~~Samm
  • Friday, October 11, 2002
    Sorry I haven't been posting. Even more sorry because I won't be back until Monday. Post then and tell you ALL about it. Loves!          ~~Samm
  • Sunday, October 13, 2002
    Well well. It has been like 4 days or so since my last post. I'm not even going to attempt to recount everything since then, since I don't know exactly when then was. I can recount some of this weekend, but it kinda sucked, so not much to recount. And, no poem this time. My well is dry, and it was a long stinking weekend. Well, it all started Friday morning. We (meaning, me, step-dad, his mom, and my mom) packed up a mini-van with stuff and drove to Byars, Oklahoma, which is like a 3 hour drive from my place. I had to ride in the van with "grandma" and her two stinking (literally) little dogs. So I just turned on the Edge (104.5 FM out of Tulsa, playing today's best in rock, and really annoying to old christian people), mainly just to annoy her, but also to try and keep her from trying to talk to me. And I slept also, so the radio WAS just to annoy her. Mom and Rick rode the Harley. I mean, it was a biker rally we were heading for. So we finally get there, and set up. It was hella cold and windy. And only got worse all weekend. So, Friday night, and nothing to do. Listened to a band, curled up in my one man tent on the hard ground, woke up with bruised sides and back. Still hurts to lean against things. Anyways, Saturday, there were bike games. I was DJing, playing classic rock, which I like. At night there were two more bands, a tit show, and I again slept on the ground in a small tent. Bruises made worse. Stupid fucking preacher woke me up early Sunday morning with a loud ass portable PA. I'm camping away from the stage next time. So, after christian services they wake me up and we pack the van and leave. We stopped for lunch, and I'm finally back home, after three more hours of sleep in the van. Hi! I'm back! Some revelations I made this weekend. I hate "grandma" and her stupid ideas AND the thought that I am going to participate in them. I miss talking to all my online friends that had to go back to school in the fall. I should never turn down free alcohol. I hate christian fanatics, especially "grandma" and the bastard CMA's who get in for free at bike rallies. I mean, I'm a vendor, so yeah, I get in free, but just because you are christian you get to also? What about the pagans? And yeah, I'm going to organise an all pagan bike rally, NO FUCKING CMA'S! That's all for now. Sorry for the anti-christian sentimates, but hey, we all have to have something to hate. Loves and sweet dreams Constant Readers. I'm out. ~~Samm
  • Saturday, October 26, 2002
    Good point Haley. Why did I stop writing? Well, who knows. But I will start writing again. Yay! New news. On Monday past, I got four piercings. Yep, four of them. Once in each earlobe, on the outside edge of my right eyebrow, and my labret. Makes it a little difficult to eat, drink or speak, the labret piercing that is, but it was what had to be done. If you care to try and understand this, anyone but Haley that is, just ponder the words Primative and Tribal. That is all I am saying on that. What else? Um...got a cool concert to go to on Halloween Night, after an auction at which I will finally get the drumkit I need to start playing. It is EVITAGEN, with my good friend Matt Kelly singing. Also going to be there are about five other bands, including, I believe, Chasing the Sphere, which includes my old high school/college buddy Mark Hart on bass, and Chris, another high school class mate, on vocals. Going to be a great show, tell you more after it. I'm also hyped about all the upcoming moster/horror movie marathons coming up on all the channels. If I haven't said it before, I am a huge fan of horror movies. I particularly love to find and watch cheesey b-side vampyr movies. I mention this movie only because that this is the crappiest vampyr movie ever and I weep to say the name but it is a perfect example of cheesey b-sides...Razorblade Smile. *dies* I almost regret watching that movie at times. Another type of movie I like, zombie/gore flicks. *sigh* Enough about movies. I will get my share of them soon enough. I've been emailing lately a British female that I shall name only as Pixie. A wonderful person, to be sure. What else? Well, I don't know. When I think of something new, I will tell you. Some pix of me, showing my *new* piercings!
    And there were pictures there, but they aren't anymore.
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2002
    Oh, thou sadistic bitch BOREDOM! Yes, I am so bored. Bored, bored, bored. I am hungry...for something. I know. I want to go to Chili's and eat plates upon plates of their tortilla chips and salsa... *drool* Oh! I made my stomach rumble! hehe...that's cool. Suggestions from me: book- The Tao of Pooh. movie- Free Enterprise. Why Free Enterprise? Well, if you are a fan of Star Trek, you will love it, if you are a fan of old movie (and comic, music, etc.) quotes, cliches, and trivia, you will love it. And it has William Shatner perusing porn and getting drunk. Yeah!
    Enough of that. My piercings are doing good. The plate of my labret spike feels weird when I drag it across my gums.
    Ok, back to Star Trek. How many people actually read my webjournal. Not many now, but hopefully more in the future, which will be the past if you are reading this in the future...whatever. Now, I love Star Trek. Alot of guys do. But what about females? How many females out there do? Now, the perfect girl would love Star Trek. Why? Because Star Trek teaches us life's lessons if a format that is enjoyable and exciting. It is a mixture of future hopes, ancient wisdom, and modern philosophy. WHY CAN'T FEMALES GRASP THE INTRECACIES OF STAR TREK!!!!! To most it is just a stupid sci-fi fantasy for frothing fanboys, legions of unwashed, uniformed, pointy-eared, head-ridged geeks. End rant.
    Next thing to talk about...um...Hi Columbia. Paula, if you are reading this, this isn't the big shout-out I promised. That will come. I just have to say hi to my patron city.
    Nero didn't help my CD burner problem. I hate my CD burner. It won't write. It says I should change media on the Nero website. *sigh*
    My Feelings on Love and Relationships: by Samm E. Cason, Jr. ~ They suck when you aren't in them, they suck when you are in them, but then again, I wouldn't know because I've never had one. ~End~
    I said it before and I will say it again. Damn I'm hungry.
    I miss Record of Lodoss War. I am just rambling now. Hey! IM me will ya?
    AIM: harmonykorrupted    Yahoo!: korruptedharmony
    email: korruptedharmony@occultmail.com
  • Monday, November 04, 2002
    Well, even though it was small, the bar, and it was boring, with no mosh pit, the Samhain concert rocked. Matt, my friend who is the singer for EVITAGEN, got attacked by some drunk chick. *snicker* Not much happened Friday, that I remember, but I have a bad memory. Let's see...other cool stuff that happened this weekend. I made new friends online to role play with. My mom took me to Game XChange in Van Buren, and I bought some new Sega Saturn games, Dark Saviour and The Mansion of Hidden Souls, and put a Sega Game Gear, a magnify screen for it, a carry case for it, and four games for it in layaway. Yay! Brings me closer to my goal of collecting all the gaming systems of the world. I love playing games. Am I a lazy bastard you ask? Yes, yes I am. And damn proud of it. But then again, I'm good at it, so why not? Exactly, so shut your trap and go about your normal life in the sun working for a living while I delve deep into a video game fantasy world! hehe...what else to say? Oh yeah, a big extra-warm'n'fuzzy hug to my bestest friend in the ever and ever, Aimee. I don't think I have mentioned her yet in here, but she has been around with me for the past 7 years or so, and I finally get to go visit her in NYC this Christmas! *filled with joy untold* I love you Aimee! And I love you Haley! And I love you Brit! And to you, Dear Reader, I love you too. <3 Now that I have used up my reserve of warm'n'fuzzy-feelings this week, I bid you farewell. Hug someone today and everyday, as often as possible, and sweet dreams.              ~~Samm
  • Monday, November 18, 2002
    I am now going to say sorry to all of you Constant Readers (that means Haley and Brit) for not posting in a long-ass time. Yeah, I'm a bastard. But, I will now tell you why I haven't, and it is a good reason...well, part of it is.
    So, what are your reasons, you ask? Well, I've been working on my webpage on all my online time. That's right, an actual webpage. But, since I am a lazy bastard, it isn't even 10% finished. That means, I haven't been on that much.
    Wow, you think! Yes, I haven't been online, so I am almost breaking that dependency, but I am still on the computer...playing Baldur's Gate II: The Darkest Day (an unofficial mod for BG2).
    But, I am back. Ok, what's new? Well, I am going to change my ear pieces to black line ball captives. As soon as I get a labret spike, well, one that isn't a nubbin' (like the last black line spike they sent), I will be changing that too. I like black jewelry on my face. Shush you two, I like my piercings and they look good.
    I got my Game Gear out of lay-away! Portable Sega Gaming Goodness... *drool*
    I will be going to New York in December to see my bestest buds Aimee and Vika. Then to Missouri until tax season to hang out at the Cheshire Cat. Then, if I get uber-lucky, I will be going to the British Isles in the summer to hang with the Pixie, my little Brit friend. Or she may come to the States. Hope she doesn't. I mean, it would be cool if she did, but I wouldn't wish the stupidity of our nation on anyone.
    What else? Nothing much I guess. GAMING TIME!!!!! I love you my friends, and may your dreams be as bright as the midday sun and as happy as the laughter of a thousand children. *muah*
    There you go Haley and Brit. Enjoy this until the next time I post or we talk.
  • Wednesday, November 20, 2002
    I hate my computer! Ok, I go to trade in some PS2 games that I don't play anymore so that I could get a new computer game. Which I did. Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption. It's an AWESOME RPG set in the World of Darkness. You get to play a vampyr blah blah...all the usual stuff. I get home, really excited and all this stuff because I love this game and never owned it, just played it briefly. Install goes good...well, I messed it up the first time by accidently kneeing open my shitty CD-RW and closed it again, but after that, it installed great. So there is that. So it's on my system, the opening movie runs, I go through the whole first sequence without any problems. I'm running around in the chapel and all this jazz. I step outside to go to the next area and DAMMIT!, my video card isn't up to ops and can't render anything beyond the status bar!
    SAMM SMASH!!!!!
    Hence, I hate my computer. That is all.
  • Thursday, November 21, 2002
    Life is boring. Of course, we all know this. But most deny the fact by living "happy" lives full of rushing around and work and relationships. Since I don't prescribe to any of the above, I am forced to face the fact that life is nothing but the same boring stuff day after day after day.
    Then again, it doesn't help that I am stuck in the stagnant pool of my home, with nothing more to comfort me than a computer, TV's, gaming consoles, and cable. Sure, that's alot of distraction, but after...um...at least 5 years (minus the time I spent in school for some of those early ones) of the same thing, it gets...well, boring.
    I know, I know. It does no good bitching about it and I also know that you don't want to hear me doing so, but sometimes I just have to. It like a disease, one that forces me to bitch or I eventually explode all over some poor helpless wall and end up leaving my knuckles a bloody mangled mess that hurt even more than usual.
    Well, what can I talk about? I haven't really done anything at all. I missed class twice because my mom has been tired of running around and didn't feel like taking me. Doesn't hurt that I encouraged her by saying I didn't mind and I could just make up any tests we had. But oh well, doesn't matter to me. I have been able to sleep and reflect. Dreaming alot too, though I can only partially remember the content of one. I remember the others, but just the fact that I was dreaming, not what I was dreaming about.
    Ok, I don't remember how the dream starts, or what the real goal of the dream was. But, I remember it involved this girl Rachael (don't know how she actually spells it), who went out with my good friend Jason in high school. They probably still go out. They both graduated with me, so that means they have been dating a good 5 years if they still are. Anyways, I always liked her. She was nice, actually talked to me and stuff, and she kept Jason pretty happy, so that is good. Anyways, the dream involved me asking her out and so we went driving around (her driving of course) and we went through like some haunted woods and shit and were being chased by something out to get me at one point, and I don't really remember anything about the dream except that me and her went out on this date and just drove around. I always liked her, but I guess I crushed on her too. I don't really remember doing so, but it must have been a pretty big crush to dream about her when I haven't even seen her since graduation. And the weird thing about this dream is that, unlike other dreams involving women (usually sex dreams. HEY! I'm a guy after all...), this wasn't sexual. We held hands, and I think actually kissed once, but it wasn't sexual. I hate dreams like that.
    What? I sorry I hate dreams that make me feel all alone and stuff. And that's what it did. It made me feel that I am missing something in my life. Something deep and meaningful, something that extends beyond myself. I'm pretty self-centered. Haley knows this, because I complain all the time. But I crave something beyond that. I want to care for someone other than myself. Yes, I love Haley and Brittany, but it seems that is all I can do, is say it and feel it. I can't express it, reach out and help them and hold them if needed. I guess that is what I am really missing here. Contact. I can care, but I can't care for, if that makes any sense at all. I don't know anymore. I just need to get out of here...
  • Friday, November 22, 2002
    Why can't people accept the fact that I am a free spirit? Why do they insist on me driving and getting a job and going to school? Why can't I just be free? What is wrong with that? People want to be free. Yet, they conform themselves to society, living meaningless lives of work and oppression, ruled only by one thing, money. They fool themselves with notions of The American Dream, of gaining that which is pounded into us from youth. A nice home, a nice car, a nice family. They allow themselves to be ruled by goverment and religion, not giving the mind a chance to learn and grow. *sigh* Not that anyone will actually read this beyond Haley and Brittany, and even if they did, they would just argue instead of give my words an actual thought. May the world implode and let my misery end.
  • Saturday, November 23, 2002
    I don't really have much to say, but to keep Brittany and Haley happy, I will tell you what little I have to tell. Yesterday, I spent 12 hours straight playing Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, and total was awake more than 20 hours straight. It is an awesome game, and if I hadn't promised people (that aren't even around) that I would be online talking to them, I would be in my room where I set up the other computer, playing V:TMR. Right now I am watching one of my favourite movies, Powder. If you have never seen it, I suggest it. It's an excellent movie. ummm...that's it for now I guess. I love you, Constant Reader, for reading my words, as stupid and mindless as they are.    Truly~~Samm
  • Friday, December 20, 2002
    I know, I know. I haven't written in forever, and I lament said fact. But, moving on, I have little to say and much time to say it. Wait. Strike that, reverse it. Good. Great. Onward. I am on like a natural high. I FINALLY saw 'Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring' for the first time. I had to, afterall, since I am going tomorrow night to watch 'LotR: The Two Towers'. It made me feel like I did when I first read 'The Hobbit'. I was, once again, a little kid, full of emotion, spellbound, savouring every image presented to me. I was in love with it, entraced and yearning for more. I think I will go find my copy of 'The Hobbit' tonight and read the whole thing, front to back, forgoing sleep for the wish of adventure, thrill and danger, love and loneliness, all in one. And I will dream, dream of the day my adventure comes, that glorious story of my own.
    Now I am sitting here, listening to Dave Matthews Band, intolerant of my slow KaZaA download speed, waiting for Enya. Now, don't give me that look. I have loved Enya's music for a long time, but having my CD collection stolen, not once, but twice, I have no choice but to download it after LotR reminded me why I loved her music. "I watch you there through the window and I stare at you wear nothing but you wear it so well." I started downloading Dave Matthews last night after I realised that metal just makes me sadder. DMB is just such a different set of emotions. I guess it is just depression, but lately my moods and emotions are just all over the place, as they say. I want someone...something...to hold onto, something permanent, more than just the shifting sands of my daily life. I need to feel loved. I need to love. I feel as if my life is empty, without meaning. Like sailing on the vast ocean with no desination. I just float by, watching everything through a veil, watch others live for someone or something. I want that, but I seem not to grasp it, as my fingers close about it, it is like a mist, gone without it ever really being there. A dream within a dream...
  • Saturday, December 21, 2002
    Could you take my picture? Because I won't remember.
    Filter spoke these words, sang them in a song, and I feel them, believe them. I feel as if I am crumbling away, falling apart, falling down, like sands in an hourglass. And soon, oh so soon, nothing will be left. So, take a picture, so you can remember me like this, not as that which I am to become, for I will remember none of this to tell you later.
    I just left a comment on Haley's Xanga site that was composed entirely of REM lyrics (in case any of you read it and wondered...), but I believe it fits. Song lyrics have the tendency to do that. As does poetry. Unfortunately I have lost the spark, and can not write poetry. I just grasp for it now, if I even care to attempt, where, at one time, it flowed from me as readily as my tears do. Does it hurt? Yes. It's like having an arm ripped off, except you can still function without the creative spark, and you HAVE to continue functioning, knowing that you don't have it. But I have no emotions, no thoughts, no life. It is no wonder I have lost the spark. It should only be reserved for those that can wield it responsibly, and I kept it locked away and bottled down until *poof*, it is gone. And now, as I fight a losing battle I have no wish to participate in, against the dreaded daemon Depression, I feel the need to express myself, and there is nothing there. The fire is gone, the words will not come to me. I have failed myself. The last let down. How much longer do I have? I count minutes as though they were days.
    I miss you Snuggle Bunny. And I want to talk to you more Brittany. You make me smile. I love you both, with all the love I have left to give.
    To all those I love, Blessed Be. To all those I know, Blessed Be. To any and all, Blessed Be.
  • Sunday, March 30, 2003
    Here I sit, like every other day, same as always. But now...ah! I have returned to write in my supposed webjournal. Maybe I just haven't lived since Dec. 21st, 2002. hmmm...
    Made some new friends! Yay! First on the list is Lupe, a friend I met while trying to cyber-pounce Haley. And I guess that's it, now that I think about it. Everyone else was already a friend. Or was at one time and now is again. Something like that.
    Went through an engagement. Yep. Turned out bad. Was nothing but a headache and ended in failure. Then again, I always did suck when it came to impressing the opposite sex. pleh...
    New poetry? Hardly. Most days I'm too lazy to lift a pencil, much less write. And all I think about all day is nothing and failure, and failing at nothing, which isn't the same as succeeding at everything, but I fail at doing nothing, which is pretty bad if you ask me.
    Recently got some good news concerning a girl I have crushed on awhile. But as for that...we will wait to see if anything developes before I write more.
    As for this war? Me and Cody will be Canadians if this drift starts up. Damn American politicians and their wars of revenge. I don't like war and I will not participate, and you can whine and bitch and moan all you want about me not being American, and about how if I live in America and want to enjoy it's freedoms I should fight for that, but this war is not about defending freedoms. That was the American Revolution and the Civil War. This war is about nothing more than us showing off, just like the whole bombing of the al Quidda was about revenge. Enough said. Do not bitch to me about this, because this is how I feel about the senseless war. If you want to die a meanlingless death, go ahead and sign up before you are drafted and quit yer bitchin'. As for me, Canada is looking pretty nice. I always did like snow.
    Blessed be to all, and to all sweet dreams.
And that is the end of that. I would have been...19 for all but the last post, which was after my birthday, so 20 when I posted it. A lot of bitching and moaning and obvious mood swings. And depression. Such a lovely shade of blue. And lots of Haley. I miss Haley. Let's see, what else? I can't think of anything.

~~Samm is All, Samm is Everything, at least where this blog is concerned.

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