Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tired and Bored

By Darwin, it was a long night! The internets was out! So, I occupied myself by watching stuff I had previously downloaded and not watched yet. Including an awesome movie called "Another Earth". Then, when 0630 rolled around, I got the bill paid, and now, here I am! Back on the interweb! And just as bored...

So, I think I may go with my brother today to Springfield, MO, to drop my niece off with her mom. I'll miss her these next couple of weeks.

Other than that, I don't think I really have much to say. I'm tired. I hope he leaves early so I can sleep in the car on the way up. If not, I may be staying home to sleep.

~~Tired is the new black, and I'm like an emo goth Samm

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