Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Eagle Mountain Nest on BlogSpot

This is from a group I am a part of. Three posts, nothing fancy.

  • MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 2007

    So, being unemployed and relationshipless, I am granted with alot of time to think. Which I do plenty, because I can't shut it off. And time and again my thoughts loop back to a certain number of topics. Over the years, these change. When I was younger, it was school, religion, and girls. As I grew older, money, religion, and girls. Anymore I have given up on caring about school or money, with the exception of trying to find a job, and religion is just boring and confusing. Things happen, end of story (though I still don't understand the whole "blindly following someone else"). Girls are just as confusing as religious people, and I've given up on thinking about them as well. Just gives me a headache. So now I'm stuck with the problem...what to think about? I think alot about entertaining myself, but with movies and video games, I don't have to worry too much on that. So now I am stuck without anything useful to think about! I started this little blog without anything to really say, and it looks like I've accomplished that.

    Is it a weak mind, a weak will, a desire not to be alone, or a fear of the unknown that drives people to religion? A can't understand the kind of person that would so blindly follow something such as religion. Very recently, these past few days, I have been thinking about this as I played Neverwinter Nights on my PC, because in many of the scenarios religion plays a factor. Anyways, my mind is wandering, so that's that for now.

    "Well, it's a crazy fucked up world and we're all just floating along waiting for someone who can walk on water, man." ~~Heroin Bob,SLC Punk!
  • FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2007


    I have decided that I will become a Buddha in this lifetime. I will transcend the human frame of mind, evolve my brain past that of Homo Sapien, and achieve true Enlightment. I may even get one of those knobby things on my head like Siddhartha did. (Siddhartha being the last Buddha.)

    I am doing this for many reasons. All of which I will gladly share with you whether you want me to or not. (Knowledge is power though, so technically, I am making you more powerful by imparting previously unknown knowledge on you, so you should be thanking me.)

    Tax breaks. Religions get tax breaks, so if I use my superior intellect to form a religion of sorts, we all get tax breaks! All meaning me and my Disciples and Prophets (more on that later).

    I get to teach without having to go to school and get a piece of paper saying I am legally able too. Because, you know, I love to teach (spread Enlightenment and empower the powerless), and what better to teach than how to think for yourself?

    Groupies. That's right, groupies. Men and women willing to do whatever I ask of them. You know you want groupies too, so don't act all shocked about it.

    Celebrity status. Just look at the Pope or the Dhali Lama. They are famous just for being figureheads within their respected religions. Which leads too...

    Money. Lots and lots of tax free money. Kinda like a tele-evangelist without the sleeze. And the fake healing of people. I call it "religious profitteering with a conscience".

    So, many of you may be wondering, "But Samm, isn't this just basically what cult leaders do?" And to that I have to say...yes, yes it is. But the difference between them and me? No poison Kool-Aid. And I'm not claiming to be Jesus. Just a Buddha. The only second coming we are concerned about in my teachings are the ones mentioned in sex jokes. (Think on that a second, it will come to you.)(no pun intended)

    As I have stated previously here, the one thing I cannot comprehend is how people can blindly follow another without thinking for themselves. I cannot wrap my head around a concept such as blind devotion. Except maybe to a lover, but then you are just asking to be cheated on. So the Teachings of Samm are pretty damn simple. Don't believe what I believe, believe what YOU believe. Find Enlightenment where you will, how you will, when you will. Don't let others tell you what to think, not even me. In fact, if you are even listening to anything I say, you don't belong in my religion. I could go on to explain my own spiritual path, but that is like a series of blogs all on it's own, and I don't even understand half of it.

    And now comes the fun part. Disciples and Prophets. You have heard these terms before, I know you have. But in my teachings, they may be alittle different. Disciples are simply my entourage, my closest groupies who I am willing to share the fame with. And all my marketing manangers and PR people will be in that group. Don't alienate those that work for you if you expect them to do their job right. Prophets, on the other hand, are what I am going to call my priests or what-have-you. Prophets spread the Word of Samm to those that want to be in my religion. Currently I am taking applications for both positions, so you can just email me at korruptedharmony@yahoo.com for more info or to tender your app. If we get this off the ground now people, it will give me more time to get to that whole transcending thing, and plenty of time to get crackin' on that tax shelter stuff. Not to mention the money. Lots o' money.

    So stop being sheep for other religions and join my flock! (That should be my logo...) I will turn you all into stubborn self-thinking goats before long. Though, considering this group, most of you are that already...

    ~~Samm! the Bodhisattva (look it up if you are curious)
  • The Nature of Perfection
    More times in my life than I care to try and count, I have heard the phrases "Strive to be perfect." or "I'm looking for Mr./Mrs. Perfect." or any other phrase involving the word perfect. So now it is my term to talk about perfection.

    Perfection sucks. (Didn't expect that one, did ya?) Oh, Samm, details? OK!

    The nature of perfection is a state of unchange. It is a state of stagnation. The way of nature is change. Life, death, rebirth, the circle of life. Molecules gather to form something living, it dies, it decomposes, those molecules go to form something else. These are all states of constant change. Even inanimate objects, like rocks, are constantly changing due to weathering and erosion and what have you.

    Let's look at it from a socio-political-psychological standpoint. For this we will create a nation. We will call it Unstam (get it?). And this nation needs a home, so we will place it upon a planet full of other nations. So we have a planet full of diverse and interesting people, some of which are part of the nation of Unstam. Just for the hell of it (and because I may need it in a bit), we will name the other nation Costsa. Unstam started out like any other nation of people. They were nomads, discovered fire, invented the wheel, developed agriculture. Fastforward to a post-industrial/pre-nuclear era, circa 1925. Unstam is at the top of it's game. They are the leader in all areas of advancement. They have the best medical, they have the fastest vehicles, all that good stuff. Now, the leaders of this great nation look around, decide everything is just about perfect, and erect this giant dome covering the whole country. Isolated. No one coming in, no one going out. They become a Communist society. The people are told what to think, what to do, how to live. And they are happy. Because everything is perfect.

    Jump ahead 50 years (to about 1975). Due to unforeseen circumstances, the dome has to come down. Something with polution or weaking ultrastructure or something like that. Unstam is now in the world eye. The society that was once perfect reentering the world arena. But they are entering a world far advanced from them. While they were away, Costsa became the world leader, taking up the mantle of innovator. They have discovered how to split the atom, they have a man on the moon, they've done the whole "Age of Aquarius" thing, free love and all that. They are a truly enlightened nation. And poor ol' Unstam, still dancing the Charleston and driving Model T's. They were perfect, they saw no need to change, thus they became stagnant.

    The nature of perfection is counter that of the nature of nature.

    So, in conclusion, I don't want to be perfection. I want to be imperfect. I want to look in the mirror every day and decide, "Hey, it's time for a change. I need to better myself." Because the moment I decide I am too good to be better, I have confined myself to be stagnant and to let the world pass me by.

    ~~Samm! the Imperfect

One more to go. Wheeeeee!

~~Samm I am, no I do not like green eggs and ham, but it's much better than spam, which is a tasteless sham.

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