Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nebulous Meanderings

Sometimes thoughts come to me unbidden. Rare are these that are of the mundane and everyday. Most often than not, they are weird, fantastical, even grotesque in nature. They just find their way into my brain, as though on wisps of ethereal air blown through my mental netting.

"Would a reverse mermaid be able to breathe air?" "What does horse/dog/cat/human/turtle taste like?" "Are carrots sentient and does it hurt them to be pulled from the ground?"

Sometimes I tune into thoughts or conversations in the middle, like waking into a dream. I don't know how I got there, but I am there now, the beginning being the middle and seeming natural. Of course, I cannot leave these thoughts unthought, so I track down the rest of the story, listening to ending or making it up myself. Occasionally I backtrack, trying to imagine what the first was like, what led to the strange mid-thought thought.

The question then comes to me, "Am I hearing thoughts that surface from the black abysmal depths of my unknown subconscious, or are these things I am thinking about at the back of my waking mind, and only just now paying attention to what I am thinking?"

Occasionally a thought is so wonderful or hilarious or even curious enough that I forget myself for awhile and follow it down the yellow brick road of my imagination, forming for it a prize story. But I've already talked about that, and repeating oneself is either for crazy people or parents, which are usually crazy anyways, at least with children like me around.

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