Friday, March 18, 2011

All My Favourite Things

I have determined to try and write at least one post a day. I forgot yesterday, but since I double-posted on Day 1 of The Blog, I'll use it as an excuse to miss. Anyways, I was thinking about great services and inventions the other day, so I have compiled a list of some of my favourite services/inventions/programs invented/improved since I was 28 year span. And I'm not going to be talking about things like personal computing and cell technology, I'm going to talk about things that I love that makes my life personally more awesome. I don't know how many things are going into this list, so I have no idea how long it will be. I'll try not to prattle on as I have wont to do. Also, these aren't in any order, such as awesomest to least awesomest or anything. They are just listed as I think of them.

* GameFly! Ho-ly shit. I love GameFly. If GameFly were a woman, I would make it my bride. Renting games has always been a hassle. It costs to much, all the new games are never in, you have to drive to town, stupid due dates... With GameFly, all these things are no longer a problem. Sure, I still have to pay, but $25.00 a month for 2 games out with unlimited rental time is way cheaper than $8/game/5-day rental. And they come to my mailbox. And if I am smart and paying attention, I can have new games on or even sometimes before their official street date release. I love GameFly!

* BitTorrent! For those that don't know, I'm a pirate. I believe in the freedom to own information...for free. Because I'm generally poor, since I don't work and all that. So I download what I want off the internet. Movies, music, books, etc. All of it. And then along came torrent files, and my downloading activities became a thing of simplistic beauty. Now I can pause or stop big downloads if I wish to do something else, then continue them again later. If there is a large file with a bunch of other files in it, I can generally pick and choose which ones I want, leading to optimised disk space and download times.

* .cbr/.cbz and C-Display! I am a huge comic nerd. I love comics. I hate being poor and not being to pay for comics. But now, I don't have too! I can just find scanned in comics and download them. And with C-Display and it's formats, I don't have to flip through several images in some standard viewer. It has options that allows me to view multiple pages, multiple buttons to flip pages, I can zoom in and out... Yeah. I may hate reading books on my computer, but until I find an eReader that allows C-Display, I don't mind reading comics on my computer. At least I'm getting to read them.

* eReaders! OMG, I love my eReader. Best. Gift. Ever. Again, money, poor, can't buy, so now I can just download books, put them on my eReader (I have a Big Lot's slicK.) and just take them with me where ever I go. It's alot more handy than trying to take my computer to bed with me.

* DVR! I hate commercials, plus, I'm bad with schedules. Throw in the fact that TV usually zonks me out, and watching nightly shows is just a bad idea for me. Now, I just set up my programs to record, and come back later to watch them. Oh, and I can fast forward through commercials!

That is all I can think of right now, plus I have a new game in from GameFly and its siren call is luring me away.

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