Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Long Wait Is Better Than An Eternal One

Yeah, yeah, I haven't posted in awhile, despite what I said. I'm not good with blogging. Plus, I do nothing, so there really isn't much to blog about. Anyways...

So, two nights ago, and the night before that, I had the most wonderful sleeps. Like, sleep like a normal person would have. After Steven and Cody left, I was extremely tired (I've been getting up around 4 or 6 in the morning, so come 8 or 10 at night, I'm tired), so I went to bed, lay down, and woke up 8-10 hours later.

Let me repeat that for you. 8 to 10 hours. Now, for a normal person, I'm sure this is nothing. But I suffer from both insomnia and severe sleep apnea. On top of that, I usually wake up every 2 hours to take a pee. 8 or 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep is unheard of for me. I was so well rested...

Last night I got four hours in, so I'm wondering if my blissful nights are over now. But it could of also been the way I fell asleep last night, sprawled sideways, on the bed on top of the covers, with the ceiling fan on full. Four hours like that and I had one arm numb from hanging over the bed and both my feet freezing cold.

Let's see, what other news? Oh, I had my first gaming session of my new campaign Monday night. I'm running a Pathfinder (Dungeons & Dragons, pretty much) online Monday nights. Unfortunately, only 2 of my players made it, so we didn't actually do any gaming. We just discussed my campaign world and Pathfinder rules they were unfamiliar with. Fingers crossed the other players show up next session. I put too much work into this friggin' thing to have it go bum up on me.

Friday, Steven, Cody and I are going to go see Your Highness. It is sure to be hilarious. Danny McBride, James Franco, Zooey Deschanel, and Natalie Portman. If only all movies had such a line-up. I'll see y'all after the movie and tell you how it was.

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