Friday, March 16, 2012

The Legend of the Chosen One; or, Tales of Sparks McGee, Future Bad-Ass

OK, bear with me, for I am no screen play writer and I don't exactly want to put THAT much work into this, but I hope you enjoy the following all the same.

How Nemesis Would Have Been Different In The Reality of Sparks McGee (alternate movie ending)


Bridge of Enterprise-E

Picard motions for Data to cut communications. Cut to Shinzon, who stops mid-sentence, then looks confused. Cut back to Picard.

Picard - "On my mark, Deanna. All hands brace for..."

Sparks McGee - "Not so fast, Picard!"

Camera pans around to S. McGee, who stands up from some random console station.

S. McGee - "Save the bitches," Points at a pair of disheveled, yet still attractive, young female ensigns helping each other after the recent decompression. Pan back to S. McGee doing success fist. "I've got this!" Jogs towards the turbolift. Picard motions at La Forge to follow.

Cut to foward armoury. S. McGee jumps headfirst into a torpedo launcher as La Forge enters the room. He stares wide-eyed at S. McGee.

La Forge - "Sparks, what are you doing!?"

S. McGee - "No time to talk! Pull the damn trigger, Geordi!" La Forge presses a button on a console.

Cut to a side-view in space of the Enterprise-E and the Scimitar facing off. There's a flash from the front hull of the Enterprise-E and S. McGee flies from the launcher, Superman style, one fist forward. His hat flies off behind him as a yell is heard over his open comm badge.

S. McGee - "I got a course you can plooooo..." S. McGee collides with the Scimitar, which promptly explodes into so much space dust.

Starfleet Academy

The crew of the Enterprise-E stands in front of the newly dedicated statue of Sparks McGee, standing epically in front of his preserved '78 Trans Am, holding a personal funeral service. After a few people give toasts they all wipe away tears and walk off. Zoom into dedication plaque on statue which reads, "He may have been a dick, but he was our dick."

Fade to Black, Roll Credits

But then...

Some distant planet, night

An open plain, cloudless sky above, no living being in sight. Crawler text "Several months later..." as two falling stars light up the night sky. The text fades and... BOOM!, the "falling stars" impact the tranquil scenery. Pan around and zoom towards the lip of the crater as a hand reaches up to grab the edge. S. McGee pulls himself up out of the crater, dusting off his signature grey-and-rainbow uniform. He bends over and reaches into the other crater, pulling out his cowboy hat. He shakes the dirt off, puts it on, then runs his forefinger and thumb over his mustache. Pan around behind him as he starts to walk toward the sun rising slowly over the horizon.


So, there's that. I hope you enjoyed this installment of The Legend of the Chosen One; or, Tales of Sparks McGee, Future Bad-Ass.

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