Tuesday, May 3, 2011

All Sorts of Things

I can't sleep. Go figure. And I need to stop watching romantic comedies.

Conspiracy theory time. The CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, whoever and all of them, had info on terrorist movements in the US. Sure, sometimes something gets through without us knowing. I think the attack on the USS Cole in 2000 might have been one such thing. But they KNEW about the 9/11 attacks. And what did they do? Didn't prevent it, that is for sure. And you know why? They wanted it to happen. The government needed something to distract the people of the US from the debacle that is the election process. I mean, the 2000 elections? I couldn't write comedy like that. So, even though I don't think we had a direct hand in the 9/11 attacks, I don't think we prevented it when we could have. Maybe they thought it wasn't going to be as bad as it was? Maybe they thought it was going to be worse? Who knows, but what I do think is that we needed a villain, we needed a distraction, and we needed an excuse to get oil. The end.

I think I'm going to become a drunkard. It's the only course left to me, I'm afraid. My life is a meaningless shell of an existence. I have no ambition to change it, really. It's easier to not try. And all my contemporaries are pairing off... Cousin Joshua got married. Cousin Shane might as well be. Cousin John Patrick got married. Misti is dating Will. Raymond has a wonderful girlfriend in Krystal and a baby. Steven's married, Irish and Priscilla are together and about to have babies. All my internet friends, new and old, are with someone in some way. So I'm gonna find me a wife in Lady Liquor. Somehow. I'm poor, is the problem. I could just start eating nothing but sandwiches and use the rest of the money for booze, but then you would take my debit card away, right mom?

I miss being 18/19. I was living in Missouri, malnourished, under 200 pounds, drunk, stoned, partying all night and hanging out at the Cheshire Cat, the gaming store, all day. Then Sallisaw sucked me back in, and I've lost the last 7 or so years of my life. Down the drain. Meaningless, productiveless. All I have to show for that time is debt, a PS3, a failed relationship with a schizophrenic, and 300+ pounds. I don't want to go to my high school reunions (going to Central's and Sallisaw's). I'm going to go, but I don't want to.

This summer is going to rock in the movie department. The festivities kick off this week with Thor! The god of thunder, as envisioned by Marvel Comics, has finally come to the big screen. Also this summer will be Captain America, all leading up to an Avengers movie. Other awesomeness: Priest, The Hangover 2, Winnie-the-Pooh (back off, Pooh Bear's my man), Cowboys & Aliens, a remake of Fright Night, another version of The Three Musketeers, Conan the Barbarian, The Thing (a prequel), A Muppets movie, The Rum Diary (Johnny Depp in another Hunter S. Thompson movie), and A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas. That's just to name about half. Very exciting, can't wait!

I need a new computer. I wanna play all these new games, and my system can't run anything newer than '05! What a jip. I'm supposed to be a computer tech, and I'm stuck with something I wouldn't give a 5-year-old to play with. Oh well...

I'm off to try and beat this damn level of StarCraft that I've been stuck on forever now. Fingers crossed I don't get pissed and toss my PC to the storm.

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